Austria - Family reunion

Legal residents are eligible to sponsor their spouses and minor children as soon as they complete integration measures, which can take up to five years. These and the other conditions are the least favourable in the 28 MIPEX countries, tied with FR (see box). Reunited families are partially insecure since their permits are only renewable for a year at a time. The state can refuse their application or later withdraw their permit, though they are entitled to appeal. As soon as they have residence permits, family members have the same rights as their sponsor to social security, social assistance, healthcare and housing. They must, however, fulfil additional strict conditions if they do not want to start education, training or a job within their first year. Only spouses and children can stay in Austria autonomously of their sponsor.

Conditions for family reunion have worsened and are now the 2nd worst of the 28
The 2006 Settlement and Residence Act has made he ‘integration agreement' even less favourable. The status of sponsors and their family members is conditional upon them speaking German at an A2 level previously A1 level, see Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Many must take an expensive 300 hour (previously 100 hour) course. They must then pass a standardised test of written, oral and open-ended questions. The government reimburses those who pass quickly, but penalises others increasingly severely the longer they take. The state further imposes a high economic resources requirement. Although the law aims for procedures to finish within six months, in practice the annual quotas push up waiting periods to between 9 months and three years. For best practice, see country profile for Sweden. 

Results by strand

Austria - Overview
Austria - Labour market access
Austria - Family reunion
Austria - Long-term residence
Austria - Political participation
Austria - Access to nationality
Austria - Anti-discrimination
Austria - Public perceptions
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