Denmark - Political participation

Danish policies on political participation are around halfway to best practice on average, though this reflects polarised results for the different dimensions. Denmark has reached best practice on electoral rights like five other MIPEX countries (see box) and on political liberties like 20 other MIPEX countries. However, it is critically weak (0% score) on implementation policies (see box). Migrant representatives are usually freely elected to local, regional, and national consultative bodies, but they are only consulted on an ad hoc basis. Overall, they are the third most favourable in the 28 MIPEX countries, after LU, SE, and PT.

Implementation policies critically weak
Denmark is one of 8 MIPEX countries to score a perfect 0% on implementation policies. According to the Ministry of Integration's publication "Citizen in Denmark,"participation in associations is a key to integration in Danish society, with 73% of Danes serving as members of more than one association. For years, the state offered generous subsidies for newcomers to start up their own associations. In January 2002, however, the government cut these subsidies to migrant and other antidiscrimination NGOs, which have since lost most state financial support. For more information, see Goli and Rezaei, Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in Denmark, For best practices, see country profiles for Portugal and Sweden.

Best practice on electoral rights
Regardless of nationality, anyone who has been a legal resident for the past three years and is over the age of 18 has the right to vote and stand for local and regional elections, which are held every fourth year. In 1977, citizens of the Nordic Union were first given this right, which was then extended to all foreign residents in 1981. Third-country national voter participation in local elections remains lower than average.

Results by strand

Denmark - Overview
Denmark - Labour market access
Denmark - Family reunion
Denmark - Long-term residence
Denmark - Political participation
Denmark - Access to nationality
Denmark - Anti-discrimination
Denmark - Public perceptions
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