Luxembourg - Family reunion


Although Luxembourg does not have a dedicated law on family reunion, current administrative policies score halfway to best practice. After two years, legal residents are eligible to sponsor family members, including their spouse or registered partner, dependent relatives and unmarried minor children. Although there is no integration test, sponsors must prove that they have sufficient accommodation and income to meet the conditions for family reunion. Once reunited in Luxembourg, there are few reasons for the permit to be withdrawn. Families are protected by legal guarantees and can appeal against a negative decision. However, the state does not have to consider any aspect of the family's circumstances in making the decision. Whilst families are therefore fairly secure in their status, they do not enjoy many rights (see box.)

Rights associated with family reunion, worst of the 28
Of the 28 MIPEX countries, Luxembourg scores the lowest on rights associated with family reunion. Since Luxembourg has no legal basis for family reunion, the administration has a lot of discretion. Families do not have equal access to welfare benefits, healthcare or housing. And Luxembourg is the only MIPEX country to deny adult family members equal access to education and training. Parents and children over the age of 18 face restrictions on their right to live autonomously of their sponsor's status. Any other family members who wish to remain in Luxembourg must retain a permit linked to their sponsor. For best practice, see country profile for Portugal. 

Results by strand

Luxembourg - Overview
Luxembourg - Labour market access
Luxembourg - Family reunion
Luxembourg - Long-term residence
Luxembourg - Political participation
Luxembourg - Access to nationality
Luxembourg - Anti-discrimination
Luxembourg - Public perceptions
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