Malta - Anti-discrimination

Migrants in Malta are explicitly exposed to nationality discrimination.  Even victims of race or religious discrimination cannot seek justice in many fields of life. Definitions and fields score 2nd worst of the 28 MIPEX countries. The law is enforced by giving harsher penalties to those who discriminate deliberately, though only a narrow range of sanctions is available. During procedures that can drag on for over a year, complainants receive legal aid but are not protected from victimisation. A Specialised Equality Agency will soon give migrants legal advice, carry out independent investigations, and take cases to court on their behalf. Yet the state does not inform residents of their rights as victims or ensure that legislation and public bodies do not discriminate.

Results by strand

Malta - Overview
Malta - Labour market access
Malta - Family reunion
Malta - Long-term residence
Malta - Political participation
Malta - Access to nationality
Malta - Anti-discrimination
Malta - Public perceptions
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