Poland - Labour market access

Migrants in Poland have the second least favourable eligibility for the labour market after FR. No matter how long they have worked in Poland, they do not have equal access as EU nationals to self-employment or employment in most sectors. They also face more restrictions than EU nationals to set up a business. Most work permits are renewable, but migrants are only halfway secure since they lose their permit if they lose their job, no matter how many years they have worked in Poland. Labour market integration measures to help migrants find jobs are critically weak in Poland, as in AT, CZ, and MT (see box). Migrant workers have the right to join trade unions, but they cannot change their job, employer or profession without applying for a new permit.

Labour market integration measures critically weak
Scoring a perfect 0%, Poland's labour market integration measures are critically weak. The state does not help migrants to have their qualifications recognised by providing information about, for example, how the recognition procedures should work, or about the training and language courses on offer. Even if they want to take a course to improve their skills, the education and training available to migrants in Poland is restricted. For best practice see country profiles for Netherlands and Sweden.

Results by strand

Poland - Overview
Poland - Labour market access
Poland - Family reunion
Poland - Long-term residence
Poland - Political participation
Poland - Access to nationality
Poland - Anti-discrimination
Poland - Public perceptions
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