Spain - Public perceptions

63% of Spaniards believe that diversity enriches their national culture. 71% believe that ethnic discrimination is widespread and 61.5% believe foreigners receive unequal opportunities in the labour market. Yet only 39.9% think that more should be done to fight discrimination, and 30% knew that a law punished ethnic discrimination in the labour market. After the Portuguese, Spaniards (81.3%) express the greatest support for positive action measures based on ethnicity in the labour market.

Over two-thirds of Spanish people support equal social rights for legally-resident third-country nationals, one of the highest levels of support in the EU-27. Three quarters support migrants' right to family reunion, which ties for the highest support with Greece (75.2%). 46.9% agree that they should be able to naturalise easily. However, 42.1% of Spanish respondents agreed with the idea that unemployed migrants should be deported, the eighth highest figure in the EU-27.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Spain - Overview
Spain - Labour market access
Spain - Family reunion
Spain - Long-term residence
Spain - Political participation
Spain - Access to nationality
Spain - Anti-discrimination
Spain - Public perceptions
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