
Signatories' letter of support and endorsements

An impressive total of over 100 influential public figures showed their support for the benchmarking of Integration Policies by becoming Signatories of the project. A full list of their names - compiled by country - in addition to a copy of the letter they signed can be downloaded here.

In addition the project has recieved the following endorsements:

"In 2004 all EU Member States agreed on the need to develop clear goals, indicators and evaluation mechanisms in order to adjust policy-making, evaluate progress on integration and make for more effective exchanges of information between Member States. I am therefore pleased to support the INTI project on a ‘Migrant Integration Policy Index', which will help all stakeholders to develop this key aspect of policy-making. It will help us to take the EU agenda forward. We need yardsticks that enable us to compare our policies more effectively, and the extensive, focused list of policy indicators provided by MIPEX serves as a fine example of a useful new benchmark, which could be used throughout Europe to take stock of the results on integration, to identify any room for improvement and to explore new areas for action."
Mr Franco Frattini, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice

"The European Parliament has a keen interest in understanding what our increasingly diverse societies can do to overcome the common impediments we face on integration. Gathering clear and comparable information is a critical first step. The Migrant Integration Policy Index enables us to see how Europe can deliver on better policies, inspired by a citizens-centred approach,  the highest European standards, and the best European practices. This Index will also be an important complementary tool to the European Parliament Study on Setting up a System of Benchmarking to Measure the Success of Integration Policies in Europe, which will play a key role in the implementation of the European Integration Fund."
Mr Jean-Marie Cavada, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

"As the meeting-place between government and civil society, the European Economic and Social Committee sees the value of a project like the Migrant Integration Policy Index that equips a wide range of actors with clear and comparable information on what is being done across Europe to foster integration and citizenship. I believe it can serve as a valuable starting point to nform our debates and point us towards best practice."
Ms Brenda King, President of the Section on Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship, European Economic and Social Committee

"The Portuguese Presidency wishes to promote a more in-depth debate on how Europe can invest in its diverse societies by promoting integration. Given the complexities of the many policies at play, we must engage all those responsible: olicymakers, experts, citizens and immigrants. The Migrant Integration Policy Index helps bring us all to the same table to discuss how the policies relevant to integration can contribute to our common goals on economic innovation, equal opportunities, and citizenship."
Minister Pedro Silva Pereira, on behalf of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council

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