Belgium - Political participation

Following a long politicised debate, non-EU residents of at least five years gained the right to vote in local elections, but under certain conditions. They cannot, however, stand as a candidate or vote in regional elections. Belgium, like 21 MIPEX countries, attains best practice on political liberties. National and Flemish consultative bodies are structurally consulted, while similar bodies are only consulted ad hoc in Brussels and Antwerp. In most, representatives are not freely elected, but selected by the state. Belgium would attain best practice on implementation policies if the Walloon region, like the Flemish region and cities like Brussels and Antwerp, fostered migrant associations through specific public support and funding. Belgium would also need policies actively informing migrants of their political rights. The relatively low numbers of migrant registrations to vote in October 2006 was partly blamed on the lack of such policies, although Brussels and the Walloon region decided to organise an ad hoc campaign.

Results by strand

Belgium - Overview
Belgium - Labour market access
Belgium - Family reunion
Belgium - Long-term residence
Belgium - Political participation
Belgium - Access to nationality
Belgium - Anti-discrimination
Belgium - Public perceptions
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