Belgium - Anti-discrimination

Racially-motivated public insults, threats or defamation are not forbidden under the definitions of anti-discrimination law. Judicial interpretation is still needed on discrimination by association or on the basis of assumed characteristics. Belgium would meet best practice on fields of application if pupils were protected from discrimination in education in the Flemishand German-speaking communities. Belgium's enforcement mechanisms receive the third highest score. They would meet best practice if complainants could rely on court procedures shorter than six months on average, and the availability of free interpreters. Equality policies would also meet best practice if the state were legally obliged to disseminate information, lead dialogue, introduce positive action measures and ensure that legislation and public bodies promote equality. The favourable mandate and powers of the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism contributes to Belgium's slightly favourable score on equality policies.

Results by strand

Belgium - Overview
Belgium - Labour market access
Belgium - Family reunion
Belgium - Long-term residence
Belgium - Political participation
Belgium - Access to nationality
Belgium - Anti-discrimination
Belgium - Public perceptions
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