Cyprus - Labour market access

No matter how many years they work in the country, third-country nationals (hereafter ‘migrants') in Cyprus are not eligible for equal access to employment like EU nationals. Migrant entrepreneurs can only start a business, for instance, if they invest 100,000 Cyprus pounds (approx. €173,000). The three other dimensions: labour market integration measures, security of employment, and rights associated - all lie exactly halfway to best practice. The state provides information and guidelines for migrants to have their skills and qualifications recognised, but it does not grant them equal access to training or study grants. Certain workers cannot renew their work permits, even if their employer wants them to stay.

Results by strand

Cyprus - Overview
Cyprus - Labour market access
Cyprus - Family reunion
Cyprus - Long-term residence
Cyprus - Political participation
Cyprus - Access to nationality
Cyprus - Anti-discrimination
Cyprus - Public perceptions
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