Cyprus - Anti-discrimination

The definitions and concepts of anti-discrimination law protect victims from discrimination based on their race/ethnicity or religion/belief. The ground of nationality is covered under the Equality Body's mandate from the ratified Protocol 12 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Cyprus would attain best pratice if the law expressly prohibited discrimination by association and on the basis of assumed characteristics. Fields of application meet best practice in Cyprus as in 9 other MIPEX countries. The mechanisms that enforce anti-discrimination law limit shifts in the burden of proof, possible sanctions for perpetrators, and the role of NGOs (specifically, legal entities with a legitimate interest in promoting equality). The Equality Body can lead investigations but cannot bring a court case in its own name. The state leads dialogue on discrimination and introduces positive action measures. However, it does not inform residents of their rights as a victim or ensure that public bodies promote equality and respect non-discrimination.

Results by strand

Cyprus - Overview
Cyprus - Labour market access
Cyprus - Family reunion
Cyprus - Long-term residence
Cyprus - Political participation
Cyprus - Access to nationality
Cyprus - Anti-discrimination
Cyprus - Public perceptions
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