Czech Republic - Family reunion

The Czech Republic would reach best practice on eligibility, currently the second most favourable in the EU-10 after HU, if legal residents could apply to become sponsors after a year or less and if spouses and sponsors could be under 20 years old. The right to family reunion is not conditional on an integration test although sponsors must go through an expensive procedure to prove that they have sufficient accommodation and income to support their family. The state can refuse their application or withdraw a relative's permit for many reasons and without considering all of the family's circumstances. In the case of a negative decision, however, a family has the security of legal guarantees and various avenues of appeal. Reunited family members enjoy equal rights as their sponsor to access employment, education, training, and housing. However, they are only included in the public health insurance system if they become long-term residents.

Results by strand

Czech Republic - Overview
Czech Republic - Labour market access
Czech Republic - Family reunion
Czech Republic - Political participation
Czech Republic - Long-term residence
Czech Republic - Access to nationality
Czech Republic - Anti-discrimination
Czech Republic - Public perceptions
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