Czech Republic - Political participation

Migrants have no effective electoral rights in the Czech Republic. Since 2001, migrants would have been able to vote in local elections had the Czech Republic chosen to sign reciprocity agreements with countries of origin. Migrants' political liberties (see box) are limited. National government consults migrants in a structured way through their representatives in migrant associations. Regional and local governments only consult migrants ad hoc. Migrants cannot elect these representatives; they are appointed by the state to speak on their behalf. Migrant associations can get state funding at all levels of government under the same conditions as non-migrant associations. This gives the Czech Republic the most favourable implementation policies in the EU-10.

Migrants' political freedoms limited in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic, like five other EU-10 countries, received the lowest score on the two indicators of political liberties. Migrants can only form their own associations if they bring in at least three Czech nationals. No foreigners can join a political party, even EU citizens. No changes to this rule have even been discussed by migrant organisations, NGOs or the media. The Ministry of Interior has raised concerns about the participation of Vietnamese in the border areas where they are numerous. 

Results by strand

Czech Republic - Overview
Czech Republic - Labour market access
Czech Republic - Family reunion
Czech Republic - Political participation
Czech Republic - Long-term residence
Czech Republic - Access to nationality
Czech Republic - Anti-discrimination
Czech Republic - Public perceptions
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