Estonia - Family reunion

Non-nationals must wait over two years before they are eligible to bring their spouse, unmarried minor children and dependent adult children to Estonia. Estonia would attain best practice on conditions if sponsors did not have to pay high fees and prove sufficient accommodation and income. Reunited families can be partially secure in their status: for rejections and withdrawals, the state must offer them legal guarantees and the right to appeal against the decision. However, the state can withdraw their permit without considering many aspects of their personal circumstances. Reunited families would, however, enjoy rights that met best practice if all family members could live autonomously of their sponsor after less than three years, as is the case in eight MIPEX countries including PL, SE, CA and IT.

Results by strand

Estonia - Overview
Estonia - Labour market access
Estonia - Family reunion
Estonia - Long-term residence
Estonia - Access to nationality
Estonia - Anti-discrimination
Estonia - Political participation
Estonia - Public perceptions
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