Estonia - Access to nationality

Despite decade-long initiatives to open access to nationality, Estonia's policies are not favourable. Permanent residents are only eligible for Estonian nationality after five years, although they are allowed to leave the country for longer periods before applying. Those who qualify must meet conditions including a free low-level language test and an expensive citizenship test that involves written questions and legalistic language. If they pass, the fee is completely reimbursed. Naturalising residents must also pass checks on their income, criminal record and an ambiguous ‘loyalty' requirement. Naturalised citizens are insecure in their status as Estonian nationals. The state can refuse or withdraw  nationality on many grounds, without taking into account many personal circumstances. However, citizens do have legal guarantees and the  right to appeal a negative decision. Naturalised citizens can have their passports withdrawn at any time, no matter how many years they have been an Estonian citizen even if they have no other citizenship. Dual nationality policies are critically unfavourable (see box).

Dual nationality policies critically weak
Estonia, LT and LU are the three MIPEX countries that score a perfect zero on dual nationality policies. Estonia, which has not signed the Council of Europe Convention on Nationality, does not recognise any form of dual nationality. The state does not respect an individual's personal or pragmatic reasons for keeping their original citizenship. Instead, it must be renounced, or Estonian citizenship will later be withdrawn. No children born in the country to non-Estonians can be dual nationals. For best practice see country profiles for Canda and France.

Results by strand

Estonia - Overview
Estonia - Labour market access
Estonia - Family reunion
Estonia - Long-term residence
Estonia - Access to nationality
Estonia - Anti-discrimination
Estonia - Political participation
Estonia - Public perceptions
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