Greece - Family reunion

Migrants must wait at least two years to be eligible to sponsor their families. Even then, only a spouse and minor children can join them. Applicants must prove they have sufficient accommodation and income through an expensive procedure. However, Greece does not force family members to pass an integration test as a condition for family reunion. Reunited families are slightly secure in their status under the law. The state can refuse their application or withdraw their status on many grounds, but must take into account many of the family's circumstances.The rights of reunited family members include equal access as their sponsor to education, employment, social security, housing and healthcare. Rights associated would attain best practice if migrants could obtain an autonomous residence permit after three years or less.

Results by strand

Greece - Overview
Greece - Labour market access
Greece - Family reunion
Greece - Long-term residence
Greece - Political participation
Greece - Access to nationality
Greece - Anti-discrimination
Greece - Public perceptions
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