Greece - Anti-discrimination

The Greek anti-discrimination regime has improved on 9 MIPEX indicators, partly due to law n.3304/2005 transposing the EC Race and Equality Directives (see box). Broad definitions include the public and private sectors, while the law is applied to discrimination based on race, ethnicity (defined as ‘national origin') and religion/belief in many areas of life. Enforcement mechanisms provide access to various procedures, legal aid and a wide-range of sanctions. Equality policies would improve if the specialised equality agency covered nationality and could take up cases on behalf of complainants or lead investigations and proceedings in its own name.The state would also have to introduce positive action measures and mainstream equality policies into legislation, the delivery of public services, public contracting, grants and loans.

Better definitions and concepts, fields of application, and enforcement mechanisms
Just prior to infringement proceedings before the European Court of Justice, Greece passed the law n.3304/2005. The law now punishes various forms of discrimination based on religion, race and ‘national' origin. These now apply in employment, education, social protection, social advantages and access to public goods and services, in housing and healthcare. Complainants may benefit from protection against victimisation and shifts in the burden of proof. Yet the Greek Ombudsman criticised how the exclusion of nationality as a ground allows for unequal access to employment or higher education. In its words, with the current legislation, "preconditions are created for extensive discrimination against foreigners due to race or national origin". See 2006 First report of the Greek Ombudsman on complaints under Anti-Discrimination Law 2204/2005 

Results by strand

Greece - Overview
Greece - Labour market access
Greece - Family reunion
Greece - Long-term residence
Greece - Political participation
Greece - Access to nationality
Greece - Anti-discrimination
Greece - Public perceptions
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