Italy - Family reunion

After at least a year of living legally in Italy, migrants are eligible to sponsor some family members to join them. They cannot sponsor a registered partner, married children, or adult children, unless the latter have serious health conditions. The conditions for family reunion are quite long but affordable, involving proof of sufficient income and accommodation. Afterwards, their application can only be refused if authorities find that they committed fraud to try and acquire family reunion, or if they represent a major public policy or security threat. Even then, the family's personal circumstances - such as the strength of their family bond, the length of their sponsor's residence and their links with Italy - are considered. Families' permits allow them to stay in the country as long as their sponsor does. All family members have equal access as their sponsor to many areas of life and can eventually live autonomously of their sponsor's status. Italy is the only country of the 28 in MIPEX which reached best practice on both security and rights associated.

Results by strand

Italy - Overview
Italy - Labour market access
Italy - Family reunion
Italy - Long-term residence
Italy - Political participation
Italy - Access to nationality
Italy - Anti-discrimination
Italy - Public perceptions
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