Italy - Long-term residence

Migrants are eligible for long-term residence permits under the best rules of all 28 MIPEX countries (see box). Applicants must prove that they have sufficient income and insurance, but the conditions do not impose an integration test. Migrants' security as long-term residents is halfway to best practice, since they cannot leave the EU for more than a year at a time. In making an expulsion decision, only some elements of migrants' personal lives are taken into account. Even children and those born and socialised in Italy can be expelled. Italy would reach best practice on rights if long-term residents were allowed to also hold long-term residence permits in other EU Member States.

Better eligibility for long-term residence
Since 2004, Italy's MIPEX score on eligibility for long-term residence has improved, due to changes in the law and strong scores on two new indicators. Previously, migrants had to be residents for six years before applying. With the transposition of the EC Directive on long-term residence in Law n. 3 of 8 January 2007, migrants need only wait five years to apply and must receive their permits no more than 90 days later. Migrants can count all of their time studying in Italy or awaiting a positive asylum decision towards the five-year residence requirement. Italy could attain best practice on eligibility if migrants could leave the country for longer periods at a time before applying. 

Results by strand

Italy - Overview
Italy - Labour market access
Italy - Family reunion
Italy - Long-term residence
Italy - Political participation
Italy - Access to nationality
Italy - Anti-discrimination
Italy - Public perceptions
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