Latvia - Public perceptions

61.1% of Latvians believe that the country should do more to combat discrimination, the 4th highest percentage in the EU-27 after SE, PL and FR. However, few Latvians (29.3%) think ethnic discrimination is fairly widespread in their country. They are also unlikely to think that it is tougher for a foreigner to be hired, accepted for training or promoted. Latvians were some of the least likely to know that laws punished ethnic discrimination in the labour market. Nearly 40% agree that unemployed legally-resident non-EU nationals should be deported. Most support equal social rights for legally-established immigrants from outside the EU; 46.3% support the right to family reunion; whilst around 37% in Latvia (similar to UK, BE and SE) believe non-nationals should be able to naturalise easily.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and “Special Eurobarometer survey ondiscrimination in the EU” 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Latvia - Overview
Latvia - Labour market access
Latvia - Family reunion
Latvia - Long-term residence
Latvia - Political participation
Latvia - Access to nationality
Latvia - Anti-discrimination
Latvia - Public perceptions
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