Portugal - Access to nationality

Despite the 17 April 2006 reform of the nationality law (see box), nationality policies still have room for improvement. Eligible migrants must pass conditions including a simple language test, which takes into account their individual learning abilities and can be administered by any official Portuguese educational institution. Migrants who have committed a crime punishable by a three year (or more) prison sentence are rejected. Applicants and naturalised citizens are partially insecure in their status under the law. Their application can be refused for a number of reasons, including ‘failure to prove a substantial link to the National Community'. The state can withdraw their nationality regardless of how long they have been citizens, unless they would become stateless. Migrants can be dual nationals in Portugal under best practice policies, as in BE, CA, FR, IE, and the UK.

Better eligibility and conditions for acquisition of nationality
The 17 April 2006 new nationality law improved Portugal's score on eligibility. Any child born to a parent also born in Portugal and resident at the time of birth is automatically Portuguese. The law equalised the residency requirement for all first-generation migrants (once 10 years) around the shorter period once reserved for migrants from Portuguese-speaking countries (six years). Conditions have become more favourable on one indicator and less favourable on another. Integration measures have improved since the publication of a free, publically-available list  of questions for the language  test. Although migrants must pay more to naturalise, fees are waived for applicants who can prove an income equal or less  than the national minimum wage. 

Results by strand

Portugal - Overview
Portugal - Labour market access
Portugal - Family reunion
Portugal - Long-term residence
Portugal - Political participation
Portugal - Access to nationality
Portugal - Anti-discrimination
Portugal - Public perceptions
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