Portugal - Overview

Key Findings

Best practice (100% score)

Eligibility and rights associated for family reunion
Political liberties and implementation policies for political participation
Dual nationality

Labour market access, especially eligibility and integration measures
Family reunion, especially security of status
Rights associated with long-term residence
Conditions for the acquisition of nationality
Anti-discrimination law, especially enforcement mechanisms

Change since 2004
More favourable eligibility for family reunion
More favourable eligibility and conditions for the acquisition of nationality

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Portugal has witnessed decreases in migration for work and slight rises for study and family reunion. Newcomers, the majority of whom are female, originate mainly from former Portuguese colonies and Central and Eastern Europe(1). Non-EU migrants are slightly more likely to be employed than Portuguese citizens(2).

Portugal witnessed a flurry of debate and legislative activity on migration and integration. Proposed new immigration and nationality laws have aimed to simplify and facilitate access to family reunion, long-term residence, and nationality for legally-resident third-country-nationals (hereafter ‘migrants') and their children born in Portugal. A relatively new country of immigration, Portugal has put in place a legal framework on integration composed of favourable policies and best practice. Portugal does not have far to go to improve labour market access, family reunion, and anti-discrimination which all score 2nd out of the 28 MIPEX countries. Slightly favourable policies on long-term residence rank fourth in the EU-25, while access to nationality policies rank third.

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Integration Policy Timeline

Decree-law n.º 41/2006 and 42/2006 granted equal rights for family benefits and social insertion income and increased role of National and Local Immigrant Support Centres

New nationality law, Lei Orgânica n.º 2/2006 improved eligibility

Decree Law n 244/98, transposing EC Directives on family reunion and long-term residence, presented and then approved in 2007

Gulbenkian Migration Forum promoted policy and cultural exchange on migration and integration, including 21 November 2006 signing of ‘Platform on integration and reception policies'

Three-year integration plan, later approved in March 2007, with 123 measures to improve access to training, family reunion, housing, health, funding for associations, anti-discrimination enforcement mechanisms and equality policies.

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Results by strand

Portugal - Overview
Portugal - Labour market access
Portugal - Family reunion
Portugal - Long-term residence
Portugal - Political participation
Portugal - Access to nationality
Portugal - Anti-discrimination
Portugal - Public perceptions
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