Finland - Long-term residence

Migrants are eligible for long-term residence status after a short period, which can include all their years waiting for an asylum decision but none of their time as a student. The conditions to acquire long-term residence are similar but slightly more favourable than those for family reunion, because migrants undergo a shorter procedure and do not need to prove they have insurance. Migrants can be partially secure in their status under provisions that are the third most favourable in the 28 MIPEX countries after BE and SE. Although an expulsion decision must take many of their personal circumstances into account, the state can expel minors, persons born or socialised in the country, or residents of over twenty years. The rights associated would meet best practice if all long-term residents had their skills and foreign qualifications recognised in the same way as EEA nationals; and the right to move, live and hold a long-term residence permit in another EU Member State.

Results by strand

Finland - Overview
Finland - Labour market access
Finland - Family reunion
Finland - Long-term residence
Finland - Political participation
Finland - Access to nationality
Finland - Anti-discrimination
Finland - Public perceptions
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