Finland - Anti-discrimination

Finland protects migrants from discrimination with anti-discrimination law which reaches best practice on definitions and concepts and fields of application (see box). Migrants are protected from public and private actors who use various forms of discrimination based on their ethnicity/race, religion/belief and nationality (see box). This protection extends to many relevant field of migrants' lives, such as employment and vocational training, education, social protection, social advantages and access to public housing and healthcare (see box). If Finland strengthened the legal standing and powers of its equality body and NGOs (specifically, legal entities with a legitimate interest in promoting equality), its score would improve on both equality policies and enforcement.

Best practice on definitions, concepts and fields of application for antidiscrimination law
Finland (like PT, SE, UK) reaches best practice on both these anti-discrimination dimensions. Section 6 of the Non-discrimination Act covers a wide range of discrimination grounds linked to personal qualities, including nationality and national origin. This broad scope was clarified by the interpretations of the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Ombudsman for Equality and the Ombudsman for Minorities and Discrimination. The constitution, criminal law, labour law and specific legislation give antidiscrimination law a wide field of application. However, this new legislation has yet to be supported by wide-ranging case-law, particularly to define discrimination by association or on the basis of assumed characteristics. See Non-Discrimination Act, 21/2004 and Employment contract Act as amended by Law 23/2004

Results by strand

Finland - Overview
Finland - Labour market access
Finland - Family reunion
Finland - Long-term residence
Finland - Political participation
Finland - Access to nationality
Finland - Anti-discrimination
Finland - Public perceptions
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