Ireland - Overview

Key Findings

Best practice (100% score)
Electoral rights and political liberties for political participation
Security of employment in the labour market
Dual nationality

Acquisition conditions for family reun ion and long term residence
Definitions and concepts for anti-discrimination law

Eligibility for labour market access and long term residence

Change since 2004
Less favourable eligibility for nationality

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It is difficult to find up-to-date, comparable statistics on immigration to Ireland as it reaches new record-breaking levels every year. Fortunately, the 2006 Census introduced a question on ethnic and cultural identity and encouraged members of minority groups to participate. Ireland is one of five EU countries where most non-Irish residents are EU citizens. Indeed, only a third of non-Irish residents are from outside the EU, mostly from English-speaking countries.

In 2006, Ireland began the process of putting in place a comprehensive policy on migration and integration. Legislation has so far targeted highskilled labour migration (see box), the regular work permit system, andaccess to employment for family members and university students. The National Action Plan Against Racism 2005-2008 ‘Planning for Diversity' led to, for example, an Intercultural Health Strategy and positive action recruitment campaign for the Police Force.

Access to nationality policies are the strongest of the 6 MIPEX integration strands and ranked fourth in the EU-25, tied with the UK. Anti-discrimination, family reunion, labour market access, and political participation score around halfway to best practice. Ireland's long-term residence policies received the worst score of all 28 MIPEX countries.

Integration and the right to work in Ireland
Ireland has opted out of most European cooperation on migration and integration. Since integration policies have evolved in a piecemeal and economically-driven fashion, a migrant's rights to work, sponsor family members, access benefits and live in Ireland for long periods are still subordinated to his work status. Since January 2007, highlyskilled workers from outside the EU/EEA receive ‘Green Cards', which give them different eligibility, conditions, and rights to those of regular workers for many of the MIPEX strands. 

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Integration Policy Timeline

‘Post-nuptial citizen' scheme ended for spouses of Irish nationals 2005
National Action Plan against Racism introduced range of integration measures

The proposed Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill to create comprehensive framework for migration, introduce long-term residence status, and redefine foreign nationals as non-EU citizens

31/10/ 2006
Supreme Court confirmed authority of Equality Authority to act as Amicus Curiae

High court decision found in favour of right of residence of third-country nationals with Irish children

Employment Permit Act facilitated skilled labour migration from outside the EU

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 Migrant Profile

1 Irish Census 2006, 23 April 2006
2 Irish Census 2006, 23 April 2006
3 Irish Census 2006, 23 April 2006
4 Urban Audit (non EU-15)
5 rish Census 2006, 23 April 2006
6 Irish Census 2006 23 April 2006 (12 months preceding 23 April 2006)
7 OECD, SOPEMI, 2007
8 MPG, Migration News Sheet, April 2006
9 OECD, Education at a Glance, 2006 (non EU-25)
10 European Labour Force Survey (2006q2)
11 European Labour Force Survey (2006q2)
12 Dáil Debates 21 February 2006
13 Eurostat (non EU-25)
14 Quinlivan, Shivaun, Country report on measures to combat discrimination: Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, Network of independent legal experts in the field of non-discrimination, European Commission, January 2007

Results by strand

Ireland - Overview
Ireland - Labour market access
Ireland - Family reunion
Ireland - Long-term residence
Ireland - Political participation
Ireland - Access to nationality
Ireland - Anti-discrimination
Ireland - Public perceptions
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