Ireland - Labour market access

Regular workers are not eligible for equal access to employment as EU nationals. Ireland's "Programmes to promote entrepreneurship" in reality place numerous conditions on migrant entrepreneurs in their first 5 years, such as a minimum capital investment and employment creation. These are not imposed in countries like CA, ES, and SE. While migrants in principle enjoy the same procedures as EEA nationals to get their skills and qualifications recognised, their skills still may be downgraded. The National Qualifications Authority, still in its early stages, is able to provide migrants with information on procedures, but does not set guidelines to ensure they are fair, quick and affordable. National targets to promote labour market integration are few or are under-developed. Migrants who do find jobs have security in their employment that meets best practice (see box). Rights associated with work would approach best practice if all work permit holders, like ‘green card' holders, could change their employer or job within a year.

Best practice on security of employment for migrant workers
Regular work permit holders can renew their permits under the provisions of the 2006 Employment Permits Act. ‘Green card' permits can even be renewed indefinitely. Authorities have considerable discretion to allow a worker to stay and seek work in the country even if he loses his job, especially if he loses it through no fault of his own. 

Results by strand

Ireland - Overview
Ireland - Labour market access
Ireland - Family reunion
Ireland - Long-term residence
Ireland - Political participation
Ireland - Access to nationality
Ireland - Anti-discrimination
Ireland - Public perceptions
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