Ireland - Family reunion

Migrants' rights to family reunion are quite discretionary and dependent on their work permits. Ireland would attain best practice on both eligibility and conditions if all migrants enjoyed the favourable treatment given to green card holders and recognised refugees, who have an immediate, unconditional, and fast-track right to family reunion. IE ties with SE for the most favourable conditions in the 28. Officially the sponsor must earn an income over a certain threshold but authorities have great discretion in setting the criteria. Reunited families do not have favourable security of status or rights (see box).

Security and rights for reunited families, worst of the 28
Although LV scores lower on security of status and LU scores lower on rights associated, Ireland is the only country to offer families such low scores on both. The state can reject applicants without considering many aspects of their circumstances. In the case of a negative decision, there are few guarantees or avenues of appeal. No matter how long family members have lived in Ireland, they are never automatically entitled to residence permits in their own right, but only as the family of a worker. Depending on their sponsor's permit, family members may not enjoy equal access as their sponsor to education, training, employment, benefits, healthcare and housing. For best practice see country profiles for Italy and Portugal. 

Results by strand

Ireland - Overview
Ireland - Labour market access
Ireland - Family reunion
Ireland - Long-term residence
Ireland - Political participation
Ireland - Access to nationality
Ireland - Anti-discrimination
Ireland - Public perceptions
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