Norway - Overview

Key Findings

Best practice (100% score)

Electoral rights and political liberties
Security of employment and rights associated with labour market access

Rights associated with family reunion and long-term residence
Policies for political participation, especially implementation policies

Eligibility for access to nationality

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Norway's migration policies are partly aligned to the EU through its membership of the European Economic Area, the Schengen Agreement on free movement and the Dublin Convention on asylum. Norway also has much in common with its Nordic peers: dynamic labour markets, strong commitments to humanitarian protection and equal social rights for foreigners. Non-EU migrants tend to arrive as family members of migrant workers, high-skilled workers and asylum seekers, though the latter continues to decline. The employment rate for migrants from outside the EU is 18.6 percentage points less than for Norwegians. Recent legislation focused on comprehensive introduction programmes, curbing forced marriages, reforming nationality law and bolstering antidiscrimination and equality laws.

Non-EU nationals (hereafter migrants) in Norway have favourable opportunities for political participation that are the second best of the 28 MIPEX countries, after SE. Norway ranks third, after SE and BE, on long-term residence. Family reunion and labour market access policies are slightly favourable to migrant integration. Anti-discrimination laws score just over halfway to best practice, whilst access to nationality is Norway's clear area of weakness.

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Integration Policy Timeline

State firms required to interview one job-seeker of immigrant origin for each vacancy

Norwegian Nationality Act entered into force

Anti-discrimination Act entered into force

Alarm over ‘wife-dumping' where Pakistani men divorce wives before they are eligible for autonomous residence permits

Plan of action for integration and social inclusion of the immigrant population

Immigration Act amended on marriage and family reunion to combat forced marriages

Progress Party (2nd largest party) calls for denial of benefits to immigrants who do not learn Norwegian and a ban on more living in Oslo

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Migrant Profile

Results by strand

Norway - Overview
Norway - Labour market access
Norway - Family reunion
Norway - Long-term residence
Norway - Political participation
Norway - Access to nationality
Norway - Anti-discrimination
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