Norway - Long-term residence

Most legal residents are eligible for a settlement permit, equivalent to a long-term residence permit, after three years in Norway. The conditions for this permit are similar to the conditions for a family reunion permit, though the procedure is usually quicker. Applicants do not have to buy insurance, which they do in 13 MIPEX countries. They have the third best security in Norway, which ties here with FI, FR, NL, and ES. The rights associated with long-term residence stand out as the best in the 28 and particularly favourable to integration, since they allow long-term residents equal access to employment and social security as nationals; and give them an equal right to move, live and hold a long-term residence permit within the Schengen area.

Results by strand

Norway - Overview
Norway - Labour market access
Norway - Family reunion
Norway - Long-term residence
Norway - Political participation
Norway - Access to nationality
Norway - Anti-discrimination
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