Sweden - Family reunion

Sweden has achieved best practice on eligibility provisions, tied with CA and PT, and the most favourable conditions in the 28 MIPEX countries, tied with IE. After one year of legal residence, migrants are eligible to sponsor a wide range of family members, regardless of their income, health insurance, accommodation or language. New guidelines aimed to shorten procedures (see box). Sweden would achieve best practice if the fees of 1000 Swedish kroner (approx €108) and 500 Swedish kroner per child (approx. €54) were removed for all applicants. Families would enjoy security of status that meets best practice if the break-up of a family relationship within the first three years were not a ground for withdrawals. After three years, all family members can apply for a residence permit in their own right. They enjoy equal rights as their sponsor to employment, education, healthcare and housing.

Improved conditions for family reunion, now most favourable of all 28
Improved scores on two indicators since 2004 mean that applicants in Sweden pass through the most favourable conditions in the 28 MIPEX countries, which nevertheless fall twenty points from best practice. In 2006, the Migration Board introduced a simpler family reunion procedure for nuclear family members and more flexible regulations on written and oral proceedings. Given more efficient decisionmaking and reduced caseloads, the Board set new guidelines that all decisions shall be taken within six months. At the moment, 89% of applicants receive a decision within nine months. 

Results by strand

Sweden - Overview
Sweden - Labour market access
Sweden - Family reunion
Sweden - Long-term residence
Sweden - Access to nationality
Sweden - Political participation
Sweden - Anti-discrimination
Sweden - Public perceptions
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