Sweden - Public perceptions

Two-thirds of Swedes believe a migrant should have the right to family reunion and equal social rights with Swedes. Only 16.1% believe unemployed migrants should be expelled, the second-lowest in the EU-27 after DK. 86.2%, the highest in the EU-27, believes ethnic diversity enriches Swedish culture. A similar percentage believes that ethnic discrimination is fairly widespread in the Sweden. 68.7% think the country should do more to combat discrimination and 67.3% support positive action measures in the labour market. In Sweden (as in NL, UK, FI), the majority knew that laws punished ethnic discrimination in the labour market and claimed to know their rights as a victim of discrimination.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Sweden - Overview
Sweden - Labour market access
Sweden - Family reunion
Sweden - Long-term residence
Sweden - Access to nationality
Sweden - Political participation
Sweden - Anti-discrimination
Sweden - Public perceptions
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