Sweden - Access to nationality

Although Sweden's nationality score is the highest of the 28 MIPEX countries, significant improvements are needed for it to reach best practice. Sweden's lowest scores across all the dimensions are for eligibility for access to nationality, and dual nationality. A Swede's spouse can apply to naturalise after less than three years of residence. Although Nordic citizens can apply after two years, all other first-generation migrants must wait five. Migrants' descendants are not automatically Swedish at birth; they can apply for citizenship before the age of 15 if their parents are long-term residents or between the ages of 15-18 once they have lived in Sweden for three years. Sweden ranks 2nd on conditions for acquisition after PT and top on security of nationality of the 28 MIPEX countries (see box). Sweden has dual nationality policies halfway to best practice: with exceptional cases for naturalising citizens, and under conditions for the Swedish-born children of migrants.

Best practice on conditions for the acquisition and security of nationality
The 2006 Swedish Migration Board guidelines capped the procedure at 8 months. Current average waiting times are 1-6 months. But the cost is still significant. Sweden scores best practice on all other indicators of conditions. Even if applicants have been convicted of serious crimes, an eligible migrant is not refused nationality. Rather, the state sets a ‘qualification period' before accepting. Since the January 2006 changes to the Citizenship Act, a passport can be withdrawn if obtained using false or incomplete information. The gravity of offence, the effect on the individual, and the best interests of any children must all be taken into account.

Results by strand

Sweden - Overview
Sweden - Labour market access
Sweden - Family reunion
Sweden - Long-term residence
Sweden - Access to nationality
Sweden - Political participation
Sweden - Anti-discrimination
Sweden - Public perceptions
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